Which Drape is What?

A cyclorama or cyc is a large curtain, positioned at the back of the stage that can be lit to represent the sky or other backgrounds. Traditionally white or natural coloured cloth and hung at 0% fullness (flat). When possible, it is stretched on the sides and weighted on the bottom to create a flat and even surface. As seams tend to interrupt the smooth surface of the cyclorama, it is usually constructed from extra-wide material. Cycloramas often encircle or partially enclose the stage to form a background.
Scrims and gauzes, are curtains made of an open-weave fabric such as sharkstooth that appear opaque when lit from the front, but transparent when a person or object behind the curtain is lit. Commonly used for actor and set reveals.
A curtain is used to separate the stage from the auditorium, serve as a backdrop or as a stage dividing drop. They can be hung flat or gathered.
Borders are wide, short draperies that span the width of the stage and are used to mask lights and scenery that have been raised into the fly loft.
Legs are tall, narrow stage drapes that are used to mask the wings on either side of the stage.
Skirts are short draperies used to dress around raised staging sections.
Legs, borders, skirts and curtains are typically made from light-absorbing material.
A set of two legs, one on each side of the stage, and one border, can be used to form a complete masking "frame" around the stage.